Degree Program
AMM 101 Fashion Industry
AMM 112L Digital Illustration For Fashion
AMM 160 & 160L Intro to Textile Sceninces/Lab
AMM 180L Apparel Construction Lab
AMM 210 & 210A Apparel Design Analysis/Act
AMM 230 Fashion Promotion
AMM 251 & 251A Apparel Merchandising Buying I/Activity
AMM 260 & 260L Textile Fabrications/Lab
AMM 301 & 301L Apparel Product Analysis/ Lab
AMM 310 & 310A Design and Merchandising Strategy I/Act
AMM 341 Apparel Professional Development
AMM 357 Apparel Importing & Exporting
AMM 360/360L Textile Specification Testing
AMM 381/381L Apparel Production
AMM 457 Dynamics of the Global Apparel Complex
AMM 463/463A Apparel Research Project
AMM 296 Apparel Retailing
AMM 350 Retail Buying II
AMM 499 Special Topics for Undergraduate Students (Apparel Brand Development)
AMM 108 Culture, People, and Dress
AMM 453 Apparel Sourcing & Supply Chain
AMM 454A Apparel Retail Simmulation Act I
AMM 471 Apparel Wholesale Operations
AMM 472A Apparel Retail Simulation II Act
AMM 496 Issues in Apparel Retail Management
AMM 497A Apparel Retail Simulation III Act
ABM 224 Accounting for Agribusiness
AG 101 Agriculture & the Modern World
AG 401 Ethical Issues: Food, Agriculture & Apparel Industry
CHM 101 & 101L Chemistry in Our World/Lab
IBM 301 Principles of Marketing Management
STA 120 Statistics With Applications
ABM 375 Data Management for Agribusiness
CIS 101 Intro to Personal Computing
Spanish 151 Elementary Spanish I
MHR 450 Leadership
HST 202 United States History
HST 370 History of California
IGE 120 Consciousness and Community
IGE 121 Rationalism, Revelation, and Enlightenment: The Ancient World
IGE 122 Authority & Faith: Medieval & Renaissance
IGE 220 Ways of Knowing: Culture/Contact
IGE 221 Ways of Coexisting: Reform & Revolution
IGE 222 Ways of Doing: Technology & Human Purpose
IGE 223 Ways of Living: Contemporary World
IGE 224 Connections Seminar: Exploration & Personal Expression
COM 100 Public Speaking
PHL 202 Critical Thinking
GEO 101 Physical Geography
Bio 110 & 111L Life Science/Lab
BIO 301 Human Sexuality
MU 100 Introduction to Music
GEO 351 Geography of California